2025年蓝色传奇 (满愿庆会)健康营 VIP 净琉璃
Year 2025 Legend of Blue Miracle ( Wish Fulfilment Celebration) Wellness Camp VIP Lapis Lazuli
备注 Remarks:
付款新币 Only, Singapore Dollar Only付款可以选择刷卡或电汇.
Payment can be made by credit card or telegraphic transfer.
Please go to the foreign exchange counter of the local bank for exchange and fill in the foreign currency remittance notice.
The following information is required:
收款人新加坡地址 Singapore address of the payee:
60 ALBERT STREET #16-03 OG ALBERT COMPLEX SINGAPORE (189969)收款人銀行 Payee Bank Name: DBS Bank Limited
收款人账户名称 Name of the payee's account: GLORIOUS MELODIES CONSULTANCY PTE. LTD.
收款人账号 Payee account number:
SGD Account 新币账号:0720134621
银行地址 Bank Address:
12 Marina Boulevard DBS Asia Central @ Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3 Singapore 018982
DBS Bank Code:7171
DBS Branch Code:072
仅适用新加坡本地转帐专用的 Applicable to Singapore local transfer only:
Paynow UEN:201919170E135📌📌📌
After completing the remittance, please record the following information and take a photo of the remittance record sheet and email it to the headquarter finance@lbm.live 与副本至 sinhui@lbm.livePlease email payment proof (transaction slip) to finance@lbm.live and cc to sinhui@lbm.live
-银行转帐参考号 Bank Transfer Reference Number
-请填写订单号 Fill in order number
VIP 净琉璃 2025年蓝色传奇 (满愿庆会)健康营
1. 已付款项一律不接受处理退款,转让,商品或课兑换。
2. 款项已加上新加坡9%GST。
3. 课程费用未含会务费(如参加线下活动需另付食宿,交通机票费用)。
4. 如果发现您不适合参加课程,主办方将联系您做进一步沟通,主办方将保留已付款者的最终参加资格决定权。
1. All payments made are non-refundable, non-transferable, and cannot be exchanged for goods or courses.
2. All prices include a 9% GST applicable in Singapore.
3. Course fees do not include administrative costs (additional charges for accommodation, meals, and travel expenses apply if attending offline events).
4. If it is determined that you are unsuitable for the course, the organizers will contact you for further communication. The organizers reserve the right to make the final decision on the eligibility of paid participants.