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Master‘s and Doctoral Program in
Trend Psychology


The Trend Psychology course aims to deepen students' understanding of the laws of trend development and the impact of trends on individual psychology and societal humanistic development.


This course will delve into the fluctuations of individual mind stream to explore the underlying psychological mechanisms of trend formation, how trends influence individual cognition, emotions, and behavior, and their impact on societal humanistic



By thoroughly analyzing the psychological principles behind trends, we can explore the intrinsic connections between human psychology and societal changes, uncover the profound underlying logic behind phenomena, and study how to use this knowledge to predict future trends, thus achieving a positive impact on real-life situations.


The course content will combine theoretical learning with practical case studies, focusing on the application of trend psychology in areas such as corporate positioning, strategic decision-making, human capital, operations management, consumer behavior, social media, fashion media, technological innovation, educational management, interpersonal relationships, marriage patterns, and children's



Furthermore, students will be encouraged to contemplate and practice how to develop and cultivate wisdom, selflessness, and a caring attitude through understanding and applying the principles of trend psychology. They will follow a lifestyle that promotes individual psychological health, fosters win-win development of individual happiness and social harmony, thereby not only achieving personal fulfilment but also making

positive contributions to society.

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Background and Objectives of the Discipline


The conceptual foundation of Trend Psychology is based on a deep insight into current societal dynamics and human behavioral patterns. Against the backdrop of accelerated globalization, continuous technological innovation, and rapid shifts in social values, individuals and collectives are experiencing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This context has spurred profound collaboration among experts in fields such as psychology, sociology, economics, and business strategy, as they collectively investigate how to interpret trends from a psychological perspective and utilize this understanding to predict the future development paths of society and the economy.


Trend Psychology aims to bridge traditional psychological theories with the evolution of individual and collective behaviors in modern society. This discipline focuses on deciphering the psychological bases of human cognition, emotions, and behaviors, investigating how these bases generate identifiable trends within groups and subsequently impact the development of society. 


Offering a novel perspective and toolkit, it aims to understand and address complex social phenomena, exploring how societal trends inversely affect individual psychological states and behavioral patterns, thus forming a dynamic cycle of interaction. Covering a broad spectrum, the discipline includes analyses from cognition and emotions to behaviors in psychology, extending to strategies for applying these analyses in solving real-world problems such as consumer behavior analysis, market trend forecasting, public policy formulation, corporate strategic planning, and educational innovation. In today’s era of economic fluctuation, rapid societal change,

and frequent technological revolutions, Trend Psychology emerges as particularly crucial.


In terms of educational and research methodologies, we emphasize interdisciplinary integration and collaboration, incorporating theories and techniques from sociology, economics, and data science, and adopting a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods to comprehensively capture and analyze the formation and evolution of

trends. Through case studies, empirical research, and theoretical discussions, we aim to cultivate students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enabling them to deeply understand and effectively respond to the rapid changes in a globalized environment.


At its core, the goal of Trend Psychology is to enable students to construct a thinking framework based on deep consciousness streams, allowing them not only to perceive the dynamic changes in individual and collective behaviors but also to understand the underlying reasons behind these changes. This will empower them to achieve greater accomplishments in personal life and professional development and contribute to societal progress. By delving deeper into Trend Psychology, students are better prepared to navigate the globalized world, unlocking the full potential of individuals and communities.

Our objective is to cultivate societal elites and entrepreneurs with profound thinking and comprehensive management skills, develop senior management talent with an international outlook, deep analytical capabilities, and team leadership skills, and to produce professionals with specialized skills in psychological counseling and expertise in psychology-related fields.


Compared to traditional psychology, Trend Psychology possesses the following distinctive features:

(1). Trend Psychology is becoming increasingly important and may even have a disruptive effect on the future economy:


Nobel laureates in economics have introduced psychological principles and experimental methods into economic research, enriching not only the theoretical framework of economics but also giving rise to a new mode of economic thinking. From this, a sharper and more disruptive viewpoint emerges: Psychology plays a crucial role in understanding economic behavior and has the potential to redefine the fundamental framework of future economies. This viewpoint challenges traditional economic science's focus on rational choice and market equilibrium, proposing a more dynamic and multidimensional economic worldview. In this new model, markets are no longer seen as cold, indifferent machines; the core of economic activity extends beyond transactions and production to include human emotions, cognition, and social interactions.


(2). The design background of Trend Psychology is tightly connected to a deep understanding and analysis of complex economic systems.


The primary drive in developing this discipline stems from the belief that deep-seated principles and patterns drive changes in individual and collective behavior, thus widely affecting societal domains, including the economy, culture, and technology. This course aims to provide learners with a set of principles to help them discern and

address these evolving trends.

It emphasizes the importance of looking beyond the surface to understand the fundamental laws driving the operation of things. Based on this philosophy, Trend Psychology curriculum uses psychological theories and case studies to deeply explore human behavior patterns, identify future economic forecasts, and leverage trends.



(3). Trend Psychology offers more precise principles and methods for predicting the future of the economy.

The predictive ability of traditional economic models, which rely on historical data and rational assumptions, is challenged in the face of increasing rapid change and uncertainty. Trend Psychology offers a different, high-dimensional perspective, emphasizing the significant impact of irrational behaviors, psychological states, and social networks on economic activities. By understanding these factors, we can more accurately predict market trends and even identify new economic growth areas. From this perspective, economics is not just the science of resource allocation but also the science of studying human psychology and social interactions, paving new pathways

for future economic research and policy-making.


(4). Trend Psychology employs an interdisciplinary perspective and research methodology.


Trend Psychology is not limited to the field of psychology; it encompasses economics, sociology, philosophy, and data analysis to achieve a comprehensive understanding of trend formation and its impact. Through this integrated approach, students can identify and apply principles in their lives and work to better understand the world, make informed decisions, and find paths to success in an ever-changing environment.


By adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, Trend Psychology provides students with a broad cognitive framework, enabling them not only to gain comprehensive insights theoretically but also to flexibly address various challenges in practice. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding and applying psychological principles to predict and guide socio-economic development trends in the complex real world.



Overall, through its unique perspectives and methods, Trend Psychology offers a powerful tool for understanding and navigating the rapidly changing world. It not only aids in better comprehending how individuals and collectives make decisions in the evolving economic and social environment but also fosters a more comprehensive and in-depth development of understanding and predictive capabilities regarding future trends. Consequently, Trend Psychology becomes an indispensable branch in contemporary psychological research and application, providing new ideas and strategies for addressing the problems faced by modern society.


Tel:+(65)8611 1315

Address:#01-12 , 10 Winstedt Rd,(Block B),Singapore 227977


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